animatorGo Colts!designer

Two Hungry Teams: Colts vs. Forty-niners

Changing 'shoes: The Horseshoe turns three

Football Haiku

Colts strike twice early,
then fall flat for three quarters.
Just Mora the same.

Pump fake fools the ref.
Inadvertent whistle costs
Colts half-ending score

Poor punished ponies,
Playoffs seem a distant dream.
The mighty do fall.

Post-turkey tussle.
to taste sweet vict'ry.
Will the Colts get stuffed?

Aside from big plays,
Coaches say we're playing well.
Why don't big plays count?

Frowning football gods,
how can the Colts appease you?
Pray to John Madden.

Did you hear that sound?
Colts bandwagon hit a bump.
True fans don't jump off.

One word: forty-nine.
Team mascot or final score?
Could be both this week.

Leftover effort.
Colts can't coast to victory.
Give all. Then give more.


Changing 'shoes

This marks year three for the Horseshoe. The 'shoe has a new look and a new attitude. The changes can be summed up in two words: football haiku. The two were made for each other. Both use speed, grace, and force. Both capture moments from the ridiculous to the sublime. Most importantly, both are just plain fun. So, this year, instead of lengthy analysis, each week you will find 5-10 haiku, each dealing with some aspect of the upcoming game. Silly? Well, yes.  But hopefully the new Horseshoe will give fans a different perspective on each game.

I welcome your submissions. They are loads of fun to write. I am using the 5-7-5 form, meaning the haiku should consist of three lines, the first line being five syllables long, the second being seven syllables, and the third five.  Submit haiku here

In addition to the haiku, every week, I'll pick winners for the full slate of NFL games. I finished last season picking 72% of the winners. Jim Conway, my Dad, is returning this year to try and put me back in my place. See our predictions

sconway@subverbis.com   Stephen Conway   1313 Old Town North Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46260   317-843-9744